Monday, May 26, 2008


I'm going to farm in Hawaii. So here are some of the best images compiled after doing an image search with google.
This is one hot ticket, its like a tropic version of Scarlett Johansen, I plan on dating her when I get there.
I think this is the funniest dolphin in existence, just look at his face. He has to be the Woody Allen of the Ocean, I plan on meeting him too.

This is the douche bag of Hawaii, who swims with dolphins in a life preserver; you can tell that the dolphin laughing at him, not with him.

I plan on kicking ass with these guys, actually just the black guy

I plan on punching Keira Knightly in the stomach just like the guy in the photo is trying to do.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Like all sane American males, I'm not going to be satisfied until I marry a supermodel. But it has come to my attention that while my mother loves my ambition and the world enjoys my bravado; I may not be able to ever find that deep, blindingly beautiful, cook like Rachel Ray, play chess like Vera Menchik, sing like Blonde, fly a plane like Emilia Earhart, golf like Jane Geddes, shake like Shakira, moonwalk like Kalpana Chawla kind of woman. So while I'm still gunnin, runnin, and aiming for a supermodel, I think I have found the perfect compromise. I'm going for a hair box model. This way I know the face is pretty so if her body falters over the passage of time it really won't matter. I know that this is extremely deep blog, and I try to hold myself up to some very high standards, but I had to get this one out. So if you guys know any hair box models, hook me up. Anyways I've been smitten with Drew Barrymore circa Fever Pitch 2004. Just finished watching it, great stuff.

I'll just end this one with a Fredrick Neitzche quote "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how"