Friday, November 9, 2007

2:14 AM

Krispy Dog is now done and happily residing in his comfy abode of a dog house, known to us non-krispy beings as the freezer. He lays next to towering mountain the packaged cow meat from my grandfathers dairy farm, a large bag of Trader Joe's Organic green beans, and an army of ice cube trays. I fear that between now and Christmas I will become attached to Krispy. It is already taking place every time I open the freezer to retrieve a chicken breast or some veggies. I see Krispy there, cheerfully existing in his arctic paradise, laying guard to the cornucopia of culinary delights saying "Hey there, it's all good in the hood bro. I'm made out of freakin inflated sugar gelatin and puffed rice, but I'm still kickin it hardcore. Chip up." 

I have to move on though, because we all know life. Up next, Krispy Duck. 

1 comment:

kamuera said...

I think you are more brilliant than I had previously believed, and I previously believed you to be more brilliant than you look.