Well the actual flier says "Karate for the Holidays", but I think they missed out on a gold mine. I mean it was right there in front of them. Take for example when you go to the zoo there is a tamed tiger in a cage waiting, lying there right in front of you, ready to kill, but you don't see it because it has stripes. But more importantly lets think of the social consequences of someone giving you the kick ass gift of karate for Christmas. What is that person trying to say or allude to? Are you not strong or intimidating enough to fend for yourself? So for the holiday of giving, brotherly love, and forgiveness they would rather you learn how to kill, harm, and incapacitate. Or maybe it is a completely random gift and in honor of our saviour, they want you to know how to kick a little harder and be able to wear a bathrobe with various colored belts. But I take that back, I would like to think that if I was givin the gift I would be honored, because the gift of life is the greatest gift, and so through the ancient and potent art of karate I am protecting my greatest gift. The best part is that the flier is actually a postcard also.
Bonus: Pictures of my karate years from the archives, turns out I was a red belt and all of this time I have been saying I was only a yellow with 2 stripes.
I must admit Im kinda disapointed with the old karate pictures. Of all people I expected to see you sporting a mullet as a kid. Not even a rat tail :(
The girl in the picture looks like Hermonie from Harry Potter. I guess that is her side job when not working on the movies
"wow jeremi, that's an impressive vertical leap you have there."
"wow, clint, why have you been hiding jeremi's blog from me?"
"hi jeremi, how's it going?"
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